Learn more about the unique and innovative technology as well as the competitive advantages of our ground based launch and landing systems. The possible use cases are endless. The sky is the limit.
Improved turnaround: A fully automated process increases efficiency and uptime: We keep drones where they belong!
Install the patented xSTOL launch & landing systems anywhere in the world: from large urban rooftops to offshore platforms in the sea.
Elektrail is the most cost and energy efficient UAV platform out there, beating any existing VTOL technology on the market by a far.
The runway independent automatic launch and landing system is a revolutionary concept for drones, currently being developed in Hamburg.
The new technology allows for flexible operations of fixed-wing unmanned air vehicles independent from conventional runway infrastructure and in xSTOL (extra short take off & landing) scenarios. ElektRail’s goal is to provide a mobile runway system that can be set up for automated operations by 2 people within 1-2 hours, almost anywhere, anytime.
Whether your future aircraft is heavy or super lightweight: Our system can be adapted to a wide range of fixed-wing UAVs and requirements.
No more complaining neighbors: Assisted electric launch and landing minimizes noise pollution to a minimum: Fly anywhere, anytime.
Crosswinds can be extremely harsh: Fly even in situations when strong winds would keep conventional fixed wing UAVs on the ground.
We truely believe that actions speak louder than words. In the video below, we unveil the remarkable precision of our advanced system, demonstrating its current state of unparalleled accuracy: Witness the future unfolding as we demonstrate the flawless synchronization between our cutting-edge ground-based system and the fully autonomous fixed-wing solar aircraft.
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany acknowledges the many advantages of our technology for a wide variety of use cases. Read the full article here and see what they have to say.
The ElektRail project consortium is made up of eleven companies and institutions from Germany and Sweden. The project is co-financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
For further information or feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out directly to us or one of our partners.
Ingenieure Marquardt & Binnebesel, Partnerschaft mbB, Luftfahrt-Technologie
Harburger Schloßstrasse 6-12
GER – 21079 Hamburg
Authorized Managing Directors
Jan Binnebesel, Till Marquardt
Registry District Court
Amtsgericht Hamburg
Registration Number
PR 560
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